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Showapp is the place for music events lovers. Find music events, festivals and night life in your area, discover where your favorite bands and artists are playing, search for music events in your next vacation destination and explore new artists and genres.

Ui ux


application design

The Problem


It's Tuesday night, you want to go out, have a beer and listen to some live music but don’t know where to go…

The client, a young motivated entrepreneur, described this problem to me.

Music events lovers don’t have a place where they can easily find events when they feel like going out or a place where they can find out where all their favorite artists are playing.


Artists and live music bars (stages) don’t have a direct channel to connect with their audiences and let them know about their events and music.



The Solution


Showapp is the place for music events lovers and artists. They can search and find out about events happening in their area, or even find music events when traveling. It allows the audience to meet the artists they like, find out about their future shows and explore new artists.


Showapp allows artists to expose themselves to new audiences and let them know about their upcoming events, new music releases, and their personal stories.


The goal was to create a space for fans and creators to connect about new releases, music styles, concerts and events.

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Search and explore new artists and bands.

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Search and explore by genre, this way you can search artists or events from a specific genre and get to know new music styles or new creators from the genres you love.

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Just tap on the location icon to discover what's happening today in your area or somewhere and someday else by changing the dates and place.




The app's home page will offer the user events based on his location, recent activity, promoted events and top rated experiences.




Showapp has some advanced search options. You can search by categories and let Showapp recommend you, search by date, location, explore genres and artists.

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Search and explore festivals all around the world.

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Get to know new interesting places in your area or wherever you go and find out what events are coming up on your favorite live music bars.

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Your Favorites

Showapp allows you to save artists and stages into your favorites and get informed when they have some events or new releases coming up.

event page

All the event's details are available on the event's page, info, photos, music and get tickets CTA button for purchase and ordering.

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Artist page

Showapp allows artists to create their own profile page and add their own content to it, such as upcoming shows, about and music.

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stage page

Showapp allows Live music bars to create their own page and add content to it, such as contact info, events, and tell them about themselves.

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